Free Membership

Justice Solutions is a non-profit organization created by victim professionals for victim professionals. As part of it’s mission to assist victim service and allied professionals, Justice Solutions is offering membership at no charge.

While Justice Solutions is not a membership organization, our goal is to provide support and assistance to our constituents as if they were members of our organization. As a member of Justice Solutions you will receive a variety of immediate benefits, including: weekly electronic updates about programs, newly published books, training materials, promising practices, policy developments and funding opportunities and unlimited access to every corner of the Justice Solutions Web site.

That’s just to start. Efforts are already underway to expand member benefits to include: forums for victim service professionals; job listings and career development opportunities; cross-disciplinary and peer to peer education, on-line advanced victim service training and nationwide mentoring network.

But the best part of the membership is… FREE. No obligation whatsoever. All you need do is fill out the form below to become a member. Once completed, just click the submit button and your membership will be processed shortly thereafter.

Name: First     Last
E-Mail Address
Street Address 1:
Street Address 2:
State:   Zip Code:
Phone numbers: Business:    Home:
Professional Category
Though several of these categories may apply, select the categories which are most relevant. This information will be used to help target information that is most relevant to you and your interested personally and professionally. (Hold down the "control" key to select more than one category.)
Professional Category:
What is your Victimization Category?
Though several of these categories may apply, select the categories which are most relevant. This information will be used to help target information that is most relevant to you and your interested personally and professionally. (Hold down the "control" key to select more than one category.)
Victimization Category:
Geographical Area Served

January is National Stalking Awareness Month

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Copyright © 2004-2005 Justice Solutions
Last Modified: March 8, 2005 1:11 PM

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